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增长副总裁 & 发展、可再生能源 & 权力

与我们的客户合作, SSEN传输(苏格兰和南方电网), 我们结束了两年的艰苦工作, completing the restringing of the 87km long Loch Buidhe to Dounreay overhead transmission line in the North of 苏格兰. 尽管由于COVID-19大流行而出现了新的限制, 建筑工程提前完成了, and the project was awarded both Scottish Gold and National Silver in the Green Apple Environment Awards for its careful consideration in minimising impacts on local wildlife and their habitats.

The Loch Buidhe to Dounreay overhead line has played a vital role in Scottish’s energy story for over half a century, first constructed in the 1950’s to transport energy generated at Dounreay Nuclear 权力 station. It was one of the first major arteries of the transmission network in the North of 苏格兰 and played a vital role in reliably transporting electricity over a long distance from where it was generated to where it was needed.

当dunreay于1995年关闭时,这条生产线的故事并没有结束, 几个水电站已经连接到这条输送清洁能源的线路上, 新的风力发电希望在未来几年接入国家电网, 它还没有发挥最重要的作用, 促进向净零排放过渡.

通常, 输电塔将使用约80年, 而导体, 绝缘子和配件通常使用40年左右. Each overhead line will usually go through at least one refurbishment during its lifespan. SSEN传输的首要任务是安全可靠地传输数据, efficient and reliable network to its customers in the most sustainable way- they will always look to refurbish and will only build a new line if a refurbishment is not feasible.

这条铁路线经过了苏格兰一些最具挑战性和最偏远的地区, 面对全国最恶劣的天气, and traverses 16 nationally and internationally designated nature conservation sites as well as undesignated areas that support ecologically important flora and fauna. 到达每个发射塔, 并保持在标准的环境保护措施内, the team employed the services of local helicopter company PDG who would fly material and equipment up to each remote tower location to allow the team to carry out the work.

使用直升机使团队能够坚持环保措施, 减轻兴建长通道的影响,以方便工程进行. 直升机不仅被用来保护当地的栖息地, 但是无人机被用来观察和监视一个鱼鹰家族, 以及母鸡鹞和地毯式泥炭地栖息地, ensuring that construction did not disrupt the legally protected birds during a critical breeding season. 结果是, 鱼鹰巢成功地养育了两只健康的雏鸟, and the project’s commitment to environmental conservation was recognised by The Green Apple Environmental Awards, 赞扬伍德在环保方面的努力. The award also recognized biosecurity decontamination regimes and the use of eco welfare units, 太阳能技术, eco发电机, and auto operation which were implemented to reduce power usage and carbon footprint throughout the process.

Wood is actively minimising its environmental impact to contribute positively towards the global 地球的可持续性 我们共享. We have been working 关闭ly with the European Commission for over 20 years to develop and implement global policies and legislation which protect the environment and its biodiversity. 我们的健康、安全、安保和道德政策 sets out this commitment and our approach focuses on reducing our overall impact while raising environmental awareness and competence amongst our workforce. By bringing together policy analysts and technical specialists from a range of disciplines within Wood, we are shaping more effective and environmentally protective regulation and enforcement of legislation at the national level.

This project truly demonstrates how essential work can be undertaken within ecologically sensitive habitats without adversely affecting the local environment and wildlife.

在Loch budhe到downreay架空线的活动期间, 执行这项工作的队伍的安全是最重要的. 该项目在两年多的时间内完成,没有“浪费时间”,” reflecting an excellent safety performance and proving that the safety of both our project teams and local habitats can simultaneously be prioritized while completing high-quality work to schedule.

在我们朝着零净世界努力的过程中, we believe that other organisations can benefit from using the methods outlined here in order to protect local environments, 确保项目团队的安全, 为所有人创造一个更可持续、更有韧性的未来.


“这绝对是一个具有挑战性的项目, 但同时也是有益的, 在苏格兰最偏远最迷人的地方工作. 这项工作大约花了180分钟,000小时完成, and 现在 we can step back and celebrate a job well done and recognise the hard work of everyone involved.
“A project like this wouldn’t be possible without the support of the landowners and stakeholders along the route, 没有谁的合作,我们不可能完成这项工作. 我期待着这条生产线再服务40年, transporting clean green energy and playing its role in supporting the transition to net zero.”

Duncan Macdonald, SSEN项目经理

“The successful completion of this project is down to our commitment to working in partnership with our client SSEN to develop solutions to the challenges that came with working in such a remote location. I am proud of our efforts to minimise environmental impact during the project and in enabling this line to transport clean energy for years to come.”

大卫·费尔顿, Wood 权力 解决方案高级副总裁

United by our common purpose to unlock solutions to the world’s most critical challenges, 我们为未来做好了准备, 现在.